So apparently, Donald Trump has conjured up a ten point plan for what he is going to do for us Black Americans when he takes office.
1. Great education through school choice
2. Safe communities
3. Equal justice under the law
4. Tax reforms to create jobs
5. Financial reforms to expand credit and create jobs
6. Trade that works for American workers
7. Protection from illegal immigration
8. New infrastructure investment
9. Protect the African American church
10. America’s first foreign policy
Let’s, first, talk about the elephant in the room. This is a man who has no political background whatsoever and calls himself creating a “plan” for black America. Now, I will pay homage to the fact that he is a good business man, but I’m not sure if he has ever run one quite as large as America.
To my knowledge, most of these ten points help races other than blacks, so why call it a “New Deal for Black America?”
Firstly, I am quite sure that we are able to attend any school of our choice. If the school is not in your district, you still have the choice of going there, but you have to have your own transportation to and from. At least that is how it works where I’m from.
Not all unsafe communities are black communities. There are many white neighborhoods filled with gang violence and drugs. The police and DEA have yet to rid the streets of drugs and gangs so, I feel, what would Trump do differently to make it all vanish?
In my personal opinion, Trump will not be able to create equal justice under the law. He can enforce it all he wants to, but the police, judges, and lawyers will still use their own way of thinking when prosecuting someone, even if their decisions are based on prejudice, and Trump will not be able to do anything about it.
Trump plans to create a tax reform and lower the tax rate for all tax brackets. That sounds like a great idea, but according to, that will cost America eleven trillion dollars by the year of 2026.
His plan for financial reform or in his words, “dismantling Dodd Frank,” is a recipe for disaster. It would only lead to another financial crisis like the one in 08’, yes, the one President Obama fixed.
I agree on Trump getting rid of trade deficits. In August of 2012, the Economic Policy Institute recorded an estimated 2.7 million jobs were lost due to the U.S. – China trade deficit. So getting rid of trade deficits would create jobs for everyone in the United States, not just blacks, Trump.
I also agree on protection from illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants come to the U.S. and work our jobs for little of nothing. Of course, employers want to pay the least they can. So, cracking down on illegal immigration would create jobs for everyone in the U.S., not just blacks though.
Investing in a new infrastructure sounds like a great plan. One city suffering terribly is Flint, Michigan, due to their crisis with lead riddled water.
Once again, the whole population of Flint would benefit from this, not just blacks.
Protecting the African American churches? I was not aware that they were endangered. I feel that our churches are being run correctly and with great intent, for the most part.
Finally there is the issue of “Foreign policy.” I somewhat agree with this point. There are things over here in the United States that need to be dealt with. We should be helping citizens of America instead of spending money in other countries that provide us with nothing in return, which would benefit the well being of all races, not just blacks.
Trump has a few “ok” points in his new deal, but why should they be for black America? The points that do make sense would benefit all of us.
Another thing I find crazy is that, he gives us this plan, but does not provide a strategy for each point. It’s like building a house with no blueprint. Since Trump has a hugh God complex, it’ll be hard for him to take criticism or make amendments to his overall plan for Black America.
Since Trump has this huge God complex, it’ll be hard for him to take criticism or make amendments to his overall plan for Black America.
Plan for Black America?
November 22, 2016
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