As a college student, many fail to pay close attention to the importance of their nutrition and diet. Malnutrition is defined as a condition that develops when the body does not get the right amount of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, that is needed to maintain healthy tissues and organ functions. It is extremely necessary that students are cautious of the food being put into their bodies. Lacking appropriate nutrients causes a domino effect in the body, usually beginning with fatigue, dizziness, depression, low sex drive, irritability, and weight loss. As malnutrition becomes more severe it can effect the muscles and cause them to be weak which then leads to the loss of muscle, and developmental factors such as failure to thrive, short stature, or slow growth. Untreated malnutrition can cause physical or mental disabilities resulting from vitamin deficiencies or calorie deficiencies.
In order to maintain a healthy balance of nutrients, one must eat! That includes at least three well balanced meals a day, plenty of water, and healthy snacking. Students should also remember that a well balanced meal consists of protein, carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, and light dairy; perhaps a glass of low fat milk. Secondly, take advantage of opportunities to try new foods; the best way to make sure the body is receiving all of its necessary nutrients is to consume a wide variety of food. It is also key to pay attention and read food labels. It is understood that many people are not familiar with food terminology, but that is why and when we take advantage of Google! That leads to my last key suggestion, do your research! Getting nutritious advice by word of mouth from a friend is not always a good source of nutritious advice, unless they happen to be a nutrition or nursing major. Even then, not everyone’s advice is sincere nor true. So let’s eat better, exercise, read food labels, and do the necessary research to take care of our bodies. After all, we only get one!
Nutrition Forum: Malnutrition
February 2, 2016