My fellow Jaguars,
Once again, we start another wonderful week on the yard! Just as all of the weeks that have passed thus far this semester, your Student Government Association has made progress and achieved its goals, and this past week was no different!
Recognizing that at present, our university’s public image is not necessarily at its best, two Sundays ago, the Student Government worked to resolve this problem and contributed to bettering our institution’s public perception by taking over Citadel Broadcasting’s “Max 94.1” radio station. Together with the Southern University System, we launched the first ever “SGA Take-Over” radio show and interviewed guests ranging from the Chancellor of Southern University at New Orleans, Dr. Victor Ukpolo, all the way down to Mr. Carnell Knighten, Assistant Band Director. We even interviewed Fitzgerald Batiste, the 2007-2008 drum major of the Southern University Human Jukebox. As a result, SGA received positive reviews from the surrounding community. We’ll be back on the radio again this Sunday at 6 p.m. and all during Homecoming week.
Although the public’s opinion of our institution is always important to me, the issues that directly affect our Student Body will always take precedent. As such, please know that I have heard your grievances about the conflict between midterm examinations and Homecoming week, and rest assured, I have been preemptive and have worked to resolve this problem. After reviewing the academic calendar during the summer months and discovering the issue, I met with the university’s administration, as well as the president of the faculty senate, and we were able to reach a solution. Instead of having midterms during Homecoming Week, (Monday, October 1st – Saturday, October 6th) which would have caused the Student Body to be occupied and unable to enjoy the Homecoming festivities, midterm examinations are now to begin on the last Thursday and Friday in September, breaking on Saturday and Sunday, and ending on Tuesday, October 2nd. Under this plan, the Student Body now has the opportunity to enjoy the Homecoming comedy show, concert, and game, free of the stress of midterm exams, and has a weekend break between exam days to rest and recuperate. On this past Tuesday, I sent a letter to our Chancellor requesting that the university community be reminded of this most recent change.
Lastly, I am sure that many of the residents of the back of campus are aware that the circle of Shade and Totty Halls were closing at midnight. As I stated in this past week’s issue of the DIGEST, I am fully committed to protecting the rights of the Student Body. As such, when I was made aware of the circumstances in the back of campus, I met with the upper-levels of the university administration. While we were unable to agree on my proposal of having the circle remain open twenty-four hours a day, we were able to compromise and extend the time later than originally established. Although this is not the perfect solution, it is an example of the Student Government and the administration working together to better our institution. However, if we expect this “time-limit” to be reconsidered, WE MUST DO OUR PART. WE CAN NO LONGER GIVE THE ADMINISTRATION REASON TO WANT TO RESTRICT OUR RIGHTS. We must do this together.
Jaguars, I vow that I will continue to endeavor in Jaguar Pride through sincerity, unity, and dedication. I challenge each of you to do the same. Let us continue to move in the right direction, together!
With sincere regard, I remain,
Carey L. H. Ash, President
Student Government Association
Southern University at Baton Rouge
From the Student Government Association President’s Desk
September 20, 2007