The 28th Annual State Farm Bayou Classic featuring intrastate rivals Southern University and Grambling State University is set to be aired by the National Broadcasting Company for the 10th straight year.
Founded in 1926 by RCA, Westinghouse and General Electric, NBC only has three collegiate football contracts: Grambling, Southern, and Notre Dame.
The Bayou Classic has been the only regular season black college football contest broadcast over network television. All other games are broadcast on cable. It is considered the premier black college classic based on regular attendance of over 60,000 fans and the network TV exposure. The event attracts another 40,000 loyals to a Battle of the Bands and Greek Step Show staged the night before the game.
“We at NBC are honored to be a part of such a wonderful event,” said Kassie Canter, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications and Media Relations, NBC.
NBC renewed their contract with both schools last year for three more years.
“We look forward to working with Grambling, Southern and NBC for many more years to come,” said Canter.
NBC to broadcast Bayou Classic for 10th straight year
November 16, 2001