In my twenty-five years of living one question often rears its head: Are men and women really all that different?
Are women the only ones who want strictly monogamous relationships? Do some men religiously practice polygamy because the dog really must chase the cat? Is it actually natural for a man to be with one woman anyway? Think about the loss of virginity – women are the only ones who have something to clearly indicate their first intercourse. How can you know if it is a man’s first and only time – should it even matter?
Well, on my quest to find some resolution to this enigma, I conducted a survey. Enough with a woman trying to understand men from a woman’s point of view, or vice versa for that matter. This is what I found:
When men were asked their opinion of how many men cheat, 29 percent believe that 75-100 percent of the male population “cheat on a regular basis;” 46 percent believe 50-74 percent; 21percent believe 25-49 percent; and .04 percent believe that only 15 percent of the male population cheat.14 percent of the women surveyed believe that at least 75- 100 percent of women “cheat on a regular basis;” 50 percent believe 50- 74 percent cheat; 32 percent believe 25-49 percent; and .04 percent believe that it is only 20 percent of the female population who cheat.
When asked why men cheat, an anonymous sophomore from Shreveport, stated that, “I think that they cheat because they feel they need to have a variety of everything, and women especially.” Ha! I love you for your honesty! I guess the world is a big mouth watering Baskin & Robins. I wonder if he’s tried all 31 flavors- maybe even created a few flava’s of his own! Henri Houston, a senior from New Roads, says that some men cheat because a woman may no longer provide what she did at the start.
Tiffani Hightower, a freshman major from San Francisco, said that “women may cheat because they feel neglected by their significant other; they may not be sure of what they want out of the relationship.”
So, then I asked a seasoned brotha’ what he thought. Derek N. Cole, a 34 year- old doctoral student from Baton Rouge said, “Men and women want different things from relationships. Women want marriage and kids- men don’t need that. They want plenty of sex and lots of variety.”
Well, seasoned and beautiful black brotha’, I respect your words of wisdom, but I disagree. The real difference must be more the individual than the gender.
Are men, women different
November 9, 2001