Last Monday, Southern Univ-ersity’s Association for Women Students and Men’s Federation held their annual Thanksgiving program in the Smith-Brown Memorial Union’s Royal Cotillion Ballroom. The organizations gave away boxes of food to 50 families.
“The boxes contained everything a family needs to have a great Thanksgiving,” said AWS president Aleice Allen, a senior accounting and marketing major from Houston. “We also provided a meal for them here today at Southern.”
The program was open to students who volunteer for the organization and members. Children from different ele-mentary schools that were a part of the Big Buddy Program were in attendance, and dolls were given to the girls.
Including poems, a dance performance by the Gold–N-Bluez, and solos, the program was co-hosted by executive members of the Men’s Federation and AWS.
“I want to give away black dolls to girls to help them have a good self-image of themselves,” said Southern alumni Claudia Anthony, who graduated in 2001.
“I want young girls to be proud to be black and to always choose a black doll.” Anthony initiated the “Black Doll Drive,” a program that gives away black dolls to girls across the country.
The Thanksgiving program’s food donations came from different sororities, fraternities, the Student Government As-sociation and other school organizations on campus.
“We donated can goods to the program that’s being hosted today,” said Kourtney Coleman, president of Alpha Tau chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Coleman is a senior secondary education/biology major from Shreveport.
“We went out and bought the baskets and organized them,” said Brandon Myles, president of the Collegiate 100 Black Men of Southern University and a senior computer science major from Baton Rouge.
“I think we should have more programs where every organization comes together and work together than do separate things,” said Myles.
To donate money or a doll go to
AWS, Men’s Fed help needy families
December 2, 2008