Phillip Caldwell once said, “The important thing to recognize is that it takes a team, and the team ought to get credit for the wins and the losses. Successes have many fathers, failures have none.” It is with that sentiment that I begin yet again another letter from the desk of the President.
It is important to realize that teamwork plays the most pivotal role in not only our Student Government Association, but also at Southern University at Baton Rouge. In my role as president I have attempted to ensure that team cohesiveness is not only embraced, but indeed policy. We in SGA have our problems as does any family, we have our concerns as with any family, and certainly we have our faults.
Our student government association has their faults in the fact that we are human and as the president of the organization I take and shoulder complete blame. The homecoming shirts were late; we did have a few wrenches in the program. Some of these issues were under my control other of those issues were out of my control. The students were told during my campaign THE STUDENTS DESERVE BETTER. I stand today and say the same.
The problems we face today still run rampart. The problems we face today still serve as hindrances to our process as students. This university including our SGA will have to work out the kinks if this university is to survive. We face difficult times in the Jaguar Nation, and it is with every difficulty that we get a little stronger, we get a little wiser, and we get a little better. I am dedicated to the students of Southern University, and I am dedicated to ensuring they get the best.
Financial Aid, SUPD, Registrar’s Office, Residential Housing, and any other office that has been operating inconsistently with what is in the best interest of the team get on your game. THE STUDENTS ARE TIRED, FUSTRATED, and they deserve better.
I will be a contributing member of the team as will my staff. It is my hope that the other branches of my government share the same sentiment. It is my hope that my senate and judiciary understand their roles and act accordingly. It is my sincere hope that our university can boast the same. I leave you with the following to be turned from one’s course by men’s opinions, by blame, and by misrepresentation shows a man unfit to hold an office. I will not do that I will instead contribute and pick up the slack I hope my colleagues can do the same.
Direct from the SGA President’s desk
October 9, 2008