Winston Churchill claims, “Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body; it calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.” Furthermore, it is the general consensus of nearly 300 students that the true “State of SGA” is quite unhealthy and headed in the wrong direction. Consequently, one etiology (cause) of this diagnosis is due to failed leadership. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the students not to accept failed leadership, of any kind, under any circumstances, and always hold SGA officials accountable for their actions and promises.
ALL SGA officials are constitutionally bound by their oath of office. This oath is basically is covenant to “preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the SGA.”
Therefore, when ANY official decides, he or she is above the SGA Constitution and bylaws, the student code of conduct, and the code of ethics, it is the responsibility of the students to take action. The “We Deserve Better” bill of impeachment, sponsored by 69 students, which led to Jamal Taylor’s suspension was intended and proven to be a wake up call indicating to uphold the constitution means holding those accountable who don’t.
Let it be known that students are not supporting the petition for Taylor’s removal due to a vendetta, spite, or any other childish reasons. This petition is not a personal; it’s a matter or principle. Students are finally understanding they cannot afford six more months of poor leadership from the last six months. In retrospect, at this time, last year, students received restaurant discounts, textbook assistance, cooperate sponsorships to SGA and much more. Now, instead of being productive as a student body, we’re wasting valuable time in senate meetings to discipline a grown SGA president for lying and for disrespect, as if he’s a toddler who cannot comprehend right from wrong. Where does the madness end?
The students of Southern University cannot and will not sit around and watch the structure of SGA become officially chopped and screwed due to unethical behavior, arrogance, and irresponsibility. The “angry 300” have spoken and CHANGE must come.
James Reginald Davis
Junior, Political Science major
Baton Rouge, Louisiana