According Luke 12:48, To whom much is given, much is required.
Working on the Southern DIGEST has allotted me the opportunity to begin a “Religion & Faith” page. This is an outlet for Christian organizations to announce their functions, churches to advertise on and announce their activities, and for the Southern family to have their testimonials printed.
Side bar – I used the term Christians, but the page is open to any religious theoretical stance.
You know sometimes, one may go through something not for their benefit but for others. God uses people and their situations to be a testimony of His grace and mercy.
And for you all professing to be saved, sanctified and Holy Ghost filled, remember the world is watching you. No, I am not saying we are perfect, but we should be striving for protection, using our Lord and Savior as a reference, not other humans who are subject to err. It’s easy to say God is good and God is able when all is going well, but it’s in those times of despair that you must “keep on keeping on” like the old folks used to say. It’s in those trying times that our character is perfected. You know the saying, “What doesn’t kill us, make us stronger.” Well, there you go. There’s a lesson to be learned through our adversity.
Therefore, we must be an example of perseverance. We must be an example of being steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord ( I Corinthians 15:58). We should be like a tree planted by the rivers of the water that bringeth forth His fruit in his season (Psalms 1:3). For the race is not given to the swift, but to those who endure to the end ( Ecclesiastes 9:11).
Let’s transition and set the stage for my mom, Southern alum Linda East, who is a missionary and has a prison ministry at Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women. She wanted to share the following:
As an alumna of Southern University, I want to share something with the student body that I believe is important and that is temperance. According to Galatians 5:23, it’s the ninth component displaying the fruit of the Spirit.
What is temperance? The answer is simple; it’s self-control.
With so much pressure on college students today, many are not demonstrating self-control or self-restraint. I admit – it’s difficult to do on your own. But with God, all things are possible. He told us to ask and it shall be given (Matthew 7:7).
Also in Philippians 4:6, He tells us to make our requests known. We don’t have to say if it’s you will let it be done; it is His will.
So, the next time you become frustrated and you want to hurt somebody-verbally, physically or however – whisper a little prayer, either silently or however you decide., and ask the Lord to help you. Take a few deep breathes if needed and move on.
Not only will you exhibit a “godly” characteristic, it will also help you emotionally, physically and even socially because people won’t be reluctant to be around you because of your attitude.
Faith Provides Solace In Times Of Confusion
February 1, 2008
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