Our parents tell us we can be anything that we want to be. Doctors, lawyers, actors, writers, firefighters…whatever. But by the time we hit grade school, high school and college, our dreams have been reduced to what society tells us we can do.
Yes, there are a few of us who break down doors and become the first this or the only that, but those are few and far in between.
So when someone is on the cusp of making a difference, I take notice.
For years, Hillary Clinton has been on the tongues of many pundits’ mouths, whether she liked it or not. Either her hair was too short, too long, too feminine or just plain ugly.
When her husband was president, she was either sticking her nose in too much of her husband’s affairs or not doing enough for the public.
As a senator from New York, Hillary was not a “real” New Yorker and tried too hard to become one of its’ native citizens.
Now that she has thrown her hat in the race to become the first female president of the United States, people say she is power hungry and has been planning to be president since her husband took office in 1992.
I hope so.
Being president of the United States is not a job someone decides to do a year or two before elections, it is a painstaking journey that requires one to always think for the future.
Everyone knocks Hillary for loudly proclaiming her “experience” in the White House, but I say, what is wrong with having experience? In the media world, no one gets jobs and internships without it. Ask many mass communication majors who have graduated and are back in graduate school since they had no clips from the DIGEST or any other professional outlet.
Learning the ropes at any job, especially one as difficult as president, can be time consuming and confusing. I voted for someone who can start working on day one. I do not want to go out into an America where the housing market is crashing, a war is going on and there is no end in sight and a president who cannot make any hard decisions because he does not know the “ropes.”
How can someone who calls themselves an “outsider” work within the Beltway? The relationships that need to be built…look at Jimmy Carter! Great man, a really nice man, yet he was an outsider who let his flaws as an outsider cause the Republicans – Ronald Reagan – to win in 1981 and 1985 and George H. W. Bush in 1989.
Carter was different. Carter brought “change” but it was not for the better. Hillary’s opponents claim she has nothing to bring to the table for the American people. But I disagree. She has health care.
Seriously, has anyone looked at her health care plan? Of course it is not the one of 1993, but she has learned from her mistakes and has made the necessary contacts to make a difference in the lives of our loved ones.
Yes, her experience leads me to believe she knows what she is doing.
I do not take my vote lightly. Just because someone is black does not mean there are good. I refuse to let race, gender or class be the deciding factor. I voted for Hillary because her beliefs align with mine. I may not agree with her on immigration, but who is perfect?
Despite trailing in the primaries, Hillary is still fighting for the nomination. She is not a quitter. She will do everything in her power to win party’s vote and them the nations. That is the president I voted for.
Why you should vote for Hillary
February 29, 2008