This year the men’s and women’s flag football teams had a successful season. Under the coaching of Tyrone Tanner and Lawrence Lewis, both teams ended their seasons as champions.
After hearing that the flag football teams won the championship, some students are really happy for the team, since the team does not get much acknowledgment.
“I think it is really good that the flag football teams won something for a change, because they do not get any recognition and everyone seems to forget about them,” said freshmen Keiarshia King, mechanical engineering major from Lorman, Miss.
The women’s team won the state championship, which was held Oct.19-27, 2007 in Gainesville, Ala. The women’s team has not lost a championship since 1995.
Their hard work and practice have really paid off and resulted in them earning fourth place at nationals and their 14th consecutive win.
“I didn’t even know we had a flag Football team. I guess it’s a good thing that they won something,” said Edward King, a senior accounting major from Dallas.
The men’s team competed in the regional championship in Pensacola, Fla. Nov. 9-11, 2007. The men managed to defeat the opposing teams and take home the victory. Continuing their successful streak, the men’s team placed seventh in the national competition.
Many students are happy that the men’s and women’s flag football teams have won the championship; however, some students do not have that much interest in the sport because of their lack of knowledge about the players.
“They should do more around the campus to make a bigger name for themselves,” said sophomore Kierra Jones, a nursing major from Lafayette.
SU intramural flag football teams capture state titles
February 8, 2008
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