I would vote for Barack Obama if he runs for president. But just not in 2008.
Perhaps, when Obama finishes his first full term as an Illinois senator, then he’ll receive my vote. When he gets some more experience under his belt other than being on committees like the Veterans’ Affairs and Homeland Security will he be considered viable in my eyes.
Yes, Obama is leading in the polls against Hillary Clinton and John McCain, but just because someone is winning does not make them the right choice or the best candidate. It just makes them popular.
I am not looking for popularity; I am looking for someone who knows the ins and outs of American politics and can lead a torn country in the midst of a recession.
Obama has been yelling from the rooftops that he, unlike Hillary Clinton, did not vote to give current President George W. Bush authority to enact the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists on September 18, 2001.
He said if he was in the Senate – he was only a state senator at the time – he would have voted against the war on Iraq. Obama worded his statement in way to make everyone think he was this rouge politician – who knew the truth behind the lies of the Bush administration – when he was not in office nor on the Armed Services Committee.
Obama is a glass-half-full kind of guy. I am not. And for some strange reason, people seem to think that once he is in office, America will magically change into an Utopia. Health-care will be affordable, college education will be free, the economy will flourish and milk and honey will flow from the rivers.
And on the issue of race, just because Obama is black does not automatically equate to receiving my vote either. Yes, he speaks well and, other than the cocaine thing as a youth, he is a nice guy. But I refuse to be talked into voting for someone because their skin color is similar to mine.
Somehow, Obama being black makes him better than the other candidates in the minds of some. Not mine.
These monikers are wonderful, but what is his plan? On his website, he writes about what he is going to do if elected, but he never says how. Where is this money going to magically appear that is going to provide students free college education?
Is Congress and the Supreme Court going to go along with his plans?
Coming from an activist background, I think Obama should focus more on…being a Supreme Court justice, which is where the power is.
That way, if Clinton becomes President, she can pave a path for Obama and replace the members of the Court who are leaving, ensuring a more liberal court for the Democrats.
SERIES NOTE: Part three of a three part series on the pros and cons to the 2008 Presidential Candidates. Hillary Clinton, appeared in the Feb. 19 edition. John McCain appeared in the Feb. 22 edition. This edition features Barack Obama.
Barack Hussein Obama is not my Savior
March 10, 2008