Dear DIGEST,I feel that homosexuals have an advantage over heterosexuals when it comes to visitation in the dorms. We all pay the same tuition and fees, yet they get more privileges such as their same sex mate not having to be checked in and in most cases spending the night. I can’t even see my boyfriend because of the visitation restriction; he doesn’t attend Southern University. Where as if you’re GAY, a blind eye is turned to it….So this is what I really want to know: how can heterosexuals have the same priviledges as homosexuals or how can the dorms stop them because its not fair!!!
Sincerely – Hazel Eyes
DEAR HAZEL EYES,As you know, if you’re not a Southern student, you don’t get visitation. Girl, don’t get mad at anyone else for what your boyfriend isn’t doing. Tell him ya’ll need to go out to eat, movies, walk on the park, something!!! Better yet go to his dorm, house, apartment, mom’s house. Why would you wanna be up under your boyfriend all day or night in a dorm? Interrupting your roommate’s privacy is just rude.
Dear DIGEST,Since I have been back on campus there has been a lot of stalking going on. I mean everywhere you go someone is watching with that evil eye or walking behind you with a cripple leg asking such stupid questions. Please give some advice or give me a lot of money to get out of dodge.
Sincerely – Out of Dodge
DEAR OUT OF DODGE,Okay, why do you think everybody is looking at you? They’re not. Trust me, you’re not being stalked. And if you were, you would know. You don’t stalk with looks. Besides, you could out run the person anyway.
Dear DIGEST,Do the prospects for Delta have to go to the events even though they not having a line?
Sincerely – Jan
DEAR JAN,I can’t answer this question, but I found a Delta to answer it for you. Teyhlor Robinson, a member of the Alpha Tau Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., said, “If you must ask the question, then DELTA is not for you!! Why not go to a program? Why not get your face and name known? Do not think that rushing to a program ONLY when a potential line is being talked about is a great decision.”
March 11, 2008
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