Recently I’ve been under a lot of scrutiny for my last commentary about our current SGA President. The people have requested that I supply facts along with my opinions especially about their most loved public figure Willie McCorkle, and I agree so here goes…
We all remember the campaign slogan, Willie McCorkle “Going to war for SU!” … I guess it was a pretty short war.
He stood before us with a servant’s heart and made promises to protect “the southern promise,” made reference to the library using outdated software and even noted the bad parking and drainage situations here on campus.
Most importantly he promised that he would keep his fellow students informed.
So far in my opinion, not one of these promises was kept.
What steps has he taken so far to protect “the southern promise?”
Last time I checked, the computer labs in the library are still using Windows XP, parking got worse because now SUPD officers are now ticketing after five o’clock, and almost two weeks ago Higgins and Harris halls were flooded with water.
I understand that he cannot fix everything wrong with this university; he’s not black Jesus.
All I’m asking him to do is achieve one of the goals he set before his presidency is over, if he can’t do that then yeah; in my book he’s a complete liar and a fraud.
The most important promise he made was to keep students informed, but at least half the student body don’t know when Senate meetings are, wait, you’d have to hold Senate meetings first and so far we’ve only had two, and if you’ve had more than two, lets see the minutes.
A tweet regarding an event is not proper advertisement.
I don’t think that the lack of an effective SGA is the president’s fault; it falls on anyone associated with them from the president right down to senate members.
You all are failures in my book.
The president cannot do it all alone so where ever he lacks, you all are supposed to pick up the slack, not go on twitter and secrete ignorance.
Why is it that Senate members are even allowed to travel with the rest of SGA anyway?
Again, you the students are paying for it.
This is not an assault on Willie’s character. I’m sure he’s a good person, but Willie the SGA President is doing the bare minimum and is not an effective leader.
If Willie McCorkle had run for Mr. Southern University I’d be very pleased with his performance thus far, but since he ran for was elected SGA President then I will be holding him accountable for everything he promised.
If you don’t believe me when I say they are messing over YOUR MONEY then go to the second floor of the Union, ask for a copy of their budget and see if they give it to you.
For anyone who feels like I’m wrong for holding him accountable for his inaction as SGA president … then sorry, I’m not sorry.
Is the ‘Southern Promise’ broken
December 2, 2012