Hello and welcome new Jaguars to the Jaguar Nation! You couldn’t have chosen a better establishment to embark on your journey for higher education.
Southern University is a great place to discover yourself and to make lifelong friendships, to discover brotherhood and sisterhood, to leave long lasting impressions, to mold yourself and to become everything you ever wanted to be.
One of the biggest tragedies I’ve witnessed while being here is the eventual deterioration of friendships. Although heartbreakingly necessary, it won’t be long until you figure out who your real friends are and who they aren’t.
Year after year I see people in crowds they don’t belong in. They try hard to find their place but the people who were once their best friends are now swept away in a sea of mangled priorities and typhoons of procrastination, leaving some of their more studious, goal driven peers behind.
Don’t fret studious ones because in about a year and a half you will be the ones with the highest GPAs and scholarships; you will be the ones without the reputations that’ll ruin Greek dreams; you will be the ones who got everything out of their collegiate experience.
Unfortunately there will be haters, as you succeed there will be people who claim you’ve changed, and with every bone in your body you’re going to want to say “No I haven’t,” but you have.
See, while they were out drinking and partying, you were in the dorm getting your assignments done. While they were in the circle smoking and socializing, you were in John B. Cade at a study group. While they were bed hopping, you were hopping in your bed.
So yes dear Jag, you will have changed, but your procrastinating peers haven’t and that’s what’s got them so upset. The same people that were your so-called “rounds” or “PNC’s” can also have the potential to be your worst enemies.
Unfortunately some people don’t grow up and that’s just a part of growing up.
Young Jags, here at SU you will learn what it means to prioritize, and to be consistent. You will learn how to work for what you want, and achieve the goals you’ve set.
Deteriorating friendships isn’t the only life lesson you’ll learn here at SU, You’ll learn life lessons on Love, Heartbreak, Friendship, Disappointment, etc.
The most important lessons that you will learn here at SU are the ones about yourself.
You are what is important to this university, and an a few more semesters after that you will be a product of the SU legacy. You’ll be an alum.
A word to the newcomers
September 9, 2012