Hello there Jaguars!
For the two years I’ve been working for the Southern Digest I have been waiting for the perfect moment to finally arrive and give you all an insert from my perspective and outlook on life.
The title is of this editorial is “Get your weight up.” Many of you may be thinking, “What does that mean? Get your weight up?”
No need to wonder.
I am going to give you an informational, motivational and inspirational few thoughts for you to ponder.
Let’s clarify what, “Getting Your Weight Up,” really means.
The phrase is often thrown around in rap lyrics but it’s most common meaning is to better yourself by doing better and making wise life decisions.
Now that we have the meaning down, let’s touch bases on what you really need to know in order to ‘get your weight up’.
Now that we have an understanding on what it means to ‘get your weight up’, let’s take it a little bit further.
While in college, some of us like to think that our ‘rose bush’ doesn’t smell bad, when actually, if we get our heads from up so high out of the clouds, maybe then we’ll get a whiff of what others smell (see) in us.
I often like to quote Big K.R.I.T, “Don’t drop the ball unless you have the strength of a winner.” Although he is a rapper his metaphor has a very strong and powerful message. My interpretation of the meaning is: if you drop the ball, take responsibility for it.
A lot of us students are always dropping the ball. Some of us let our financial struggles boggle us down, some quit school because of bad grades, and others just want to be lazy and discontinue their education.
We should not let potential problems ‘knock’ us off our destined path.
Most importantly, if we manage to drop the ball, we should not let the ball roll out of our view.
Some opportunities are not guaranteed to come more than once.
Although we deal with these things daily, we should not let them weigh us down. That’s why I’m telling you, you need to get your weight up to help you endure these extra obstacles life throws at us.
I am not going to lie. I dropped the ball quite a few times. I even let it roll away out of view, so far out of view that I had to go looking for it.
Fortunately for me I was able to recover it. Ever since then I have not let the ball out of my sight nor have I dropped it again.
So, my fellow Jaguars get your weight up so that you’ll be able to handle the little extras life throws on your destined path.
‘Get your weight up’.
If you don’t remember anything I told you in this editorial please remember not to drop the ball unless you have the strength of a winner.
Thank You!