Southern University’s Financial Aid office is planning an upcoming relocation to better suit students needs amongst current blackout issues. The relocation will locate the office near other student service outlets for a shorter stop to fix the customer service problems.
Ursula Shorty, Director of Financial Aid for six years, told of their recent return to the right office.
”It feels great, we were only out of office one day at the fieldhouse,” said Shorty.
She mentioned the reason for movement was because of loss of electricity.
Darian Singleton, Sophomore Nursing major from Baton Rouge, spoke on the new planned Financial Aid facility.
” It will be kind of better,” said Singleton. He described as definitely being a good move.
Student Meoni Amaya, Sophomore Business Administration major from Los Angeles, California, acknowledged the location change of Financial Aid office.
” I think it will be awesome,” Amaya said.
Student Cache’ Carry-DeCuir, Sophomore Apparel Merchandising major, thought of the new facility would benefit the freshman better.
“That’s gonna make everything a lot easier for Freshman,” said Carry-DeCuir. She believed it would avoid the run around that normally takes place for Student Services.
Shorty approved of the upcoming new facility.
“We’re excited, and we have looked at and participated in planning of the structure,” said Shorty. She told of how it will be closer to other Student Service offices and Admissions as well as how they are eager for move.
Singleton spoke of some improvements he would want to see inside the new facility.
“Just somebody there to answer a few more questions,” said Singleton. He declared he would like to see more tips and pamphlets on how to manage money as well inside of the new facility.
Amaya told of new physical aspects she would want to see in the new facility.
” Better waiting areas,” said Amaya. She described her past experiences sitting in rooms with random material in them as uncomfortable..
Carry-DeCuir mentioned how the new facility should provide better communication because of technology.
” My last problem was not being notified early enough when there were issues,” said Carry-DeCuir. She spoke of how her hopes of new technology in the facility will provide immediate assistance in communication.
Shorty spoke of appreciation for the student patience in old facility.
“I want to thank students for cooperation and making a smooth transition during the blackout time,” Shorty said. She related that she hopes the new facility can better service students
Financial Aid seeks to upgrade
October 17, 2012