So it seems as though Houdini is back to magically rob the Office of Student Media of funds.
It’s the week after midterms and for some odd reason we can’t seem to find our money…we know it exists but it seems as though Voldermort has cast an amnesia spell on whoever has access to our budget.
It’s bad enough that students voted to not only take seven dollars (per full time student) from the office and merge our accounts into one but they also willing chose to accept an increase in $40 in special events fees for events that I personally have yet to see.
We had to accept the will of apathetic and ill-informed people but what we won’t accept is blatantly being lied to about our funds, what have we done Houdini?
Why must you practice your disappearing act on our money?
We were thoroughly impressed with what you did with our original budget codes and the conjuring up of brand new ones without even telling us we were unwilling participants in this act.
Now your in cahoots with Voldermort and the dark lords of the Sith to mind trick and magically alter everyone’s memory who has access to our funds into thinking that over the summer the funds either don’t exist or just flat out don’t belong to us.
You and the rest of the League of Diabolically Dastardly Villains (L2DV) are holding up progress in our office, we have things that need to be paid for like career building trips to conferences to compete with the best and brightest in student media and our bribes to whoever continuously puts our air conditioner on furlough.
Again, whom must we call to save our money?
Scooby Doo and Mystery Inc.?
Sam and Dean Winchester?
Jedi Masters Yoda, Mace Windu, and Obi Wan Kenobi?
Sherlock Holmes?
Or maybe we should fight thievery with thievery?
Anybody know how to get in touch with Ocean’s Eleven?
Catwoman maybe?
I mean if we could get a hold of these people we’d write them a postdated check that they can’t cash until…I can’t even give them a round about date.
It just seems that OSM has been targeted in terms of money.
First our Editors-in-Chiefs had to go around the world in order to get paid (minus myself of course whom still hasn’t gotten paid), then we were told that our budget codes were changed without informing us, and then we were told that we had to justify why we needed our funds.
That’s like the bank telling you to give them a good enough reason to give you your money…uhmmm cause its mine maybe?
How is that Houdini and L2DV can become budget Nazis at the back of campus and get upset when someone is ready to kick in the door in order to get what rightfully belongs to them?
Come on, just be up front and tell us you want to keep the funds to do “temporary pay overloads” in other offices to people who don’t do have half the workload as those who have been underpaid for their services these past three years and then won’t allow them to defend themselves when questioned about why they should receive these funds.
But I mean isn’t that common practice here on campus.
It seems as though that underhanded and deceptive practices are in more common across the board.
We elect ineffective student leaders who can’t even hold simple senate meetings or even announce that they have had any.
We allow administration to cut and rob our professors of money when they themselves can’t, no, refuse to take a small cut out of there pay when they make more than enough to help alleviate the problem collectively rather than put it all on one group.
But what really takes the cake is that people have the nerve to not even try and hold said people accountable but rather complain about a satirical commentary written about relationship statuses.
Come on people, it was meant to make you laugh not meant for you to make life decisions with.
But I digress…
Houdini all we want to know is what it will take to get our money?
If we have to we will call in Liam Neeson’s character from Taken, Bryan Mills, oh he will find you and when he does….well you know the rest.
“I don’t have any money thanks to Houdini, but I do have a set of skills that deserve pay… I will find my money.”