It’s homecoming and there are many things going on. Homecoming also means different things to many different people. To freshman, it’s their first year in college.
The freshman homecoming is one to remember. It’s your first! Of course, it’s great to be excited. For people like me, on the other hand, I’ve been a Jaguar since Fall 2009.
Before that, I was a Gramblingite. I’ve experienced two first homecomings and they both were very different but very exciting.
Now, as a last semester junior graduating in May, I anticipate my last homecoming as an undergraduate.
There is something about Southern University’s homecoming that takes hold of people. When I was a kid, I used to hear about it.
My family used to be excited to go to SU’s homecoming still after years and my older cousins who were students at the time used to brag about it all the time.
Homecoming is a time when all of Southern University, past and present, come together for a specific purpose: to celebrate the legacy of the university.
Southern University has done a lot for me. This university has provided opportunities for me that I would not have otherwise had and in return, I wear my blue and gold proudly, even when my friends from Grambling State call me a traitor.
My first homecoming at Southern University was awesome. I don’t know if it was because I already knew people that attended Southern, or if I was just excited to finally be a Jaguar.
This is the time where you see old friends and you see old classmates.
Whether it be from college or whether it be old high school classmates who are just visiting, you get together and you reminisce. There are only two times in a year at Southern University that provides this platform.
Homecoming is the only time on Southern University campus that you get to hear stories about how things went down in the past from people who use to be in your shoes.
It is a time where you get to network with different types of people from all over. As students, we should be grateful that Southern University has such a rich history.
This should be an eventful time for us, but as we are having fun and celebrating our legacy and the legacy we are going to leave behind, we cannot forget what we are here to achieve.
We cannot forget that we are here first and foremost for an education and that we need to take care of business first. So go out and paarrrrty (safely)!
Midterms are over, schoolwork is complete and this weekend is our time!
Let’s go out there Saturday and represent our school proud.
Let’s go out there and support our mighty Jaguar football team because those boys deserve it!