I can’t stand hearing another woman say, “I can’t stand other females”, or “males are drama free.” So what your saying is that out of all the women known to mankind you are the only one who doesn’t bring ANY kind of drama? I can’t believe it! I bet you have a pet unicorn that craps gold bricks too huh?
I’m being sarcastic, but come on; I don’t believe that you, my dear, are the only woman in the world who doesn’t cause drama. That aside, from my experiences, guys bring just as much drama to the table as girls. We all know of, or have encountered at least one vagrant male.
In my opinion, it’s not a matter of gender, but more like a perspective issue.
We’ve grown up reading magazines, watching movies and television dramas that propagate the fable that in order to find happiness and be successful (whether it be achieving your dream job, snagging a boyfriend, or gaining acceptance, etc.) we must tear down other women.
It’s competition; from birth we’ve been competing. If you think about it, at the moment of conception you were competing with other sperms to make it to the egg. That fact that you’re here indicates that you’re the sperm that won. Females are always competing with one another probably will be that way until the end of time. We will compete for our jobs, our men, and our lifestyles. No matter how major or miniscule we will always compete for it. “She has to lose, I have win,” is what we will forever think.
Look deeper; it’s a lose-lose situation. Degrading and disrespecting other women only makes it okay for males to do it. What are they to think? Why should a male respect females if the female gender doesn’t respect it self?
We have to eliminate this girl-on-girl hate and the ‘I have to win by any means’ mentality. Sometimes it’s not even the ‘must win’ mentality, its jealousy. Jealousy comes from insecurity, so if we can learn to promote healthy self-esteem, maybe we’d be less motivated to tear each other down.
Every female has been on both sides of the girl-hate fence… Have you ever gone about your life without any association to someone only to find she has been talking negatively about you? It’s all because something about you threatens her and accentuates her insecurities.
Have you ever disliked a girl for no actual fault of hers? Perhaps you didn’t even actually know her or anything about her, but something about that girl just rubbed you the wrong way? Her confidence is not a crime. It does not mean a girl is a tramp or a slut, or thinks she’s better than you. It just means that she likes herself.
If you find yourself judging another woman or pointing out her flaws for no real reason and calling her ‘hit’, stop and ask yourself why. It’s probably because deep down you know she got it going on.
Appreciate her good qualities and try getting to know her. If you think she looks good then compliment her. If you’re digging her style then strike up a conversation. Befriend her; don’t shoot dirty looks her way. No name-calling or trifling drama.
Sometimes we need to see something out of the context of ourselves to rewire our own thoughts and actions. We have got to start respecting each other and stop referring to one another as b-words. If we can master the art of gender unity then, maybe there’d be fewer fights, more civil female friendships, and a collection of confident women taking charge and supporting one another.
Girl hate isn’t lady like
October 18, 2012