Ronald Mason, the Southern University system’s president, said the ’Southern Strategy’ is a strategy designed to build a new Southern on the traditions of the past.
”Its main components deal with becoming efficient and centralizing back office operations, synergizing academic programs recreating a positive image for Southern University Baton Rouge as a whole.”
According to Mason higher education has been cut over $300 million over the last three years. State cuts are due to loss of enrollment, which means loss of tuition and more cuts in state funding.
”So it’s a challenge that made us have to recommend this financial emergency,” stated Mason.
“Southern University at Shreveport offers a wide selection of courses designed to facilitate admission to four-year senior institutions, address the needs of the work force development community, upgrade your skills in the latest trends in business and industry through credit and non-credit courses,” said SUSLA Chancellor Ray Belton
In accordance with the school’s mission to provide short-term technical training to students who want to move rapidly into the workface, SUSLA’s Curriculum Committee and Academic Council has endorsed intent to establish a Licensed Practical Nursing Program.
SUSLA received approval for the program from the Louisiana State Board of Practical Nurse Examiners last summer.
“The proposal has been submitted but has yet to go through to the Board of Regents,” said Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Orella Brazile.
Chancellor James L. Llorens and Professor Osman Kandara recently returned from a fact-finding and recruiting mission to Turkey where they met with education officials from several cities to discuss the possibilities of undergraduate and graduate students attending Southern.
“There is a good possibility that we will be able to make this work,” said Llorens. “We’re excited about the opportunities and the Turkish education officials are very interested in what we have to offer.
Llorens said they also agreed in principal with Marnara University to study the possibilities of a student exchange program for dual degree diploma between SU’s computer science programs and that schools school’s computer engineering program as a pilot project.
“The importance in all of this is that we will continue talking with Turkish education officials about the mutual benefits of us working together,” Llorens said. “This could be a major, long term educational partnership.
Southern University bookstore recently donated 10,000 to the university.
“The funds are directed toward textbook scholarships for students.” said Bookstore Manager John Dyar.
The bookstore is part of 700 bookstores across the country operated by the Oak Brook, Follett Higher Education Group.
“The donation will be a great boost to the university’s continuing effort to provide students with the educational assistance they need to be successful.” said Llorens.
Southern Strategy
February 28, 2012
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