Cuts to higher education have made the purpose of each campus in the Southern University system more important in order to save money for the entire system. The redefining of each campus’s role, scope and mission is essential in meeting the Board of Regents’ new standards for higher education around the state.
”A statewide research institution,” said Southern University’s System President Ronald Mason on what is the role, scope, and mission of Southern University in Baton Rouge.
According to Mason Southern University’s Agricultural Center has led key research initiatives around the state. Each campus has a vital role in making the system whole.
Mason said the Southern University in New Orleans is a regional institution because that is primarily where it serves. SUNO is known for assisting non-traditional students graduate that are in that specific region.
While SUNO assist students in the southern region of the state, Southern University in Shreveport does the same, but in the northern region.
“SUSLA is a community college that serves that region,” said Mason when asked about the campus’s role.
“Students who wish to attend Southern University and save money, but live in northern Louisiana, can attend SUSLA. ”
”SUSLA offers a wide array of courses designed to facilitate admission to four-year institutions, addresses the needs of the work force development community, upgrades the skills in the latest trends in business and industry through credit and non-credit courses,” said SUSLA Chancellor Ray Belton.
According to the State of Louisiana’s website, one of the governor’s main priorities in his workforce plan was to strengthen the junior college and technical college system to serve the state’s needs.
Belton also stated how the role of the institution is also in accordance with the school’s mission to provide short-term technical training to students who want to move rapidly into the workforce.
SUSLA’s Curriculum Committee and Academic Council has intent to establish a Licensed Practical Nursing Program. This program assists students already in the workforce to move forward immediately in earning more money.
While SULSA serves its purpose, Southern University’s Law Center has been gaining much more acclaim in its role.
Freddie Pitcher Jr., SULC’s chancellor, said that their main role, mission and scope is “Access and Opportunity.”
With over 4,500 alumni, 3,000 are African American alumni, displays how SULC has given students opportunities they might not have had elsewhere.
Pitcher said the mission is also to make sure to bring in a diverse population and provide a nurturing environment. SULC has one of the most diverse student and faculty populations in the country.
SULC is considered the most prestigious campus in the system, but the Southern University Agricultural system is still open and serving students.
According to Southern University Ag Center’s mission statement, it states, ”The mission of the Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center; in its land-grant role, is to conduct statewide basic and applied research and to disseminate information to the citizens of Louisiana in a manner that is useful in addressing their scientific, technological, social, economic and cultural needs.”
Mason added all the campuses are committed to serving the underserved.
SUS redefines campus roles
February 28, 2012
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