Members of the Student Government Association are trying to get more students involved in SGA activities by connecting with students through social networking sites like Facebook and twitter, but are failing to reach students who do not use these sites.
We’ve had a couple of students complain over the promotional aspect of our events. We have a couple of people over that and they trying to do better,” said Don Batiste, a junior mass communications major from Baton Rouge.
The SGA has been busy this semester producing programs like the Little Miss SU pageant, The Mr. Sophomore pageant, and I love SU Friday. Some students seemed to be bothered by the lack of black history programs last month.
Daniel Smith, a freshman from White Castle, La., said “Southern University is a HBCU I don’t understand why we didn’t celebrate that more last month.”
Other than social networking sites the SGA has been trying to reach even more student through flyers.
“A lot of students complained that there weren’t enough flyers out so we are trying to get more of those circulating around campus,” said SGA event board member Don Batiste.
Some students like senior child development major from Plaquemine, La., Sylvia Provost have not attended an event yet this semester due to the advertising issue of the SGA, “I haven’t attended one. I never know when they are,” said Provost.
SGA has noticed some of the advertising failures and are addressing them.
“We had an event during the fall that had a bad turn out but for the most part a lot of stuff turned out well; other things could have been a lot better. I think it was due to bad promotion,” said Batiste.
Aside from advertising issues, another reason students are not attending SGA events is that they simply don’t have the time.
Denzel Starks a sophomore music education major from New Orleans said, “I haven’t attended one. I never have the time to.”
Amethyst Armstrong a senior criminal justice major from Bastrop, La. expressed that her time has become more precious.
“Due to the fact the I’ve been focused on graduating in May I haven’t been able to attend an event,” said Armstrong.
For students who actually have the time to attend events like Melissa McKenzie a senior nursing major from New York, enjoy the events and wants more students to attend.
“I like to go to the pageants, they are always entertaining, and it’s more fun when students attend,” said McKenzie
Some of the upcoming SGA events in April are: the Mr. Junior pageant will be on the fourth of April, the Spring Fest Greek show will be on the April 27 and the concert on the following day.
When asked who will be preforming at the spring fest concert Batiste said, “Right now I can’t really say. We’re still trying to book people. We tried to get J. Cole but he is too expensive.”
“It’s all a working progress. There are only 4 members on the activities team and we all are doing the best we can,” said Batiste.
SGA activities criticized
May 7, 2012
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