Social problems are issues that require social attention and action to solve. Some social problems are considered major while other slide in under the radar.
According to The Blackwell dictionary of Sociology, “For a problem to be social it must involve social systems and people’s participation in them in some way. This would include problems that are caused by underlying social conditions or that produce consequences that affect social systems.”
Everyone watches when a politician steals money, declarations of bankruptcy, public figures’ arrested or public judgment of society’s progress.
But, who is watching as the unemployed become underemployed?
Who is paying attention while women are not given equal compensation as men?
Who is following children being labeled as sex offenders and forced to publicly register for 25 years to life?
Who is writing their congressmen/women about the issues of equal opportunity employment, gender inequality and urban/social development?
Who is concerned about social problems that face the people we call Americans and American Society as a whole?
Society is made up of individuals just as kidneys function because of Nephrons.
Going back to biology, nephrons are the building blocks of kidneys. They process anything and everything that goes through the kidneys.
Any decision made by a politician from a corner office or desk in session affects individuals. Individuals make up family units, the nephrons of society.
Every social problem affects individuals and their family units.
The biggest social problem in the country is debated day-by-day and controversial. In my opinion the biggest social problem is the destruction of the functioning units of society, families.
When we make a parent choose between getting married and qualifying for public assistance.
We are destroying the family unit.
When we make a mother choose between her medication and feeding her child.
We are destroying the family unit.
When we force a parent to choose whether or not they can send their child off to college or make them work to support the home.
We are destroying the family unit.
And when we make a child choose between education and keeping food on the table.
We are destroying the family unit.
We have taken human out of human services, humans serving other humans out of gratitude not obligation.
What is happening in pop culture, politicians’ everyday lives and random thoughts trend on Google and Twitter before we consider human issues.
As we turn on the television, there are more “reality” shows than programs discussing reality.
We have been distracted by entertainment and historical separations from the one thing that connects us all humanity.
Just like the kidney cannot operate without the nephrons, America cannot operate without individual and family unit contributions.
The monetary contributions of individuals make up our economy.
The contributions of labor, skill and time make up our infrastructure.
The contributions of education and service make up our future and protection.
Without recognizing the contributions of individuals and family units this country would cease to exist in its current and future position.
No matter what side you are on when it comes to change, hope or reform. Whether you want to alter, modify, revise, transform, convert or revamp consider the building blocks of this country when you do so.
Government exists to govern the people not to hurt, deprive, take advantage, profit off of, capitalize, or conquer the people.
It serves them and enables them to be better as a whole for the common good.
We have lost sight of that.
I value the dollar just as much as the next person. No one wants to throw their hard earned money in a garbage disposal or shredder.
But, it’s time to aid our family units and not destroy them for the sake of our country.
This is not about us. It’s about our future. It’s about our abilities. It’s about our possibilities.
This is not about party affiliations.
It’s about innovation.
It’s about our children.
It’s about leaving less problems for the next generation.
This is not about interest groups or corporations.
It’s about the common good.
It’s about America prospering with the world.
It’s about recognizing and addressing humanity.
We need to be solving America’s and the world’s problems and not bickering back and forth about whom gets credit for the decisions and actions.