The Human Nutrition and Food Program promoted healthy eating and overall good health Monday in Pinkie Thrift Hall.
The program’s dietetic interns greeted students in the lobby with free bottled water, assorted fruits and handouts on Food, Nutrition and Health Tips from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
“We want students at the university to have a better understanding on how to read food labels an what foods not to eat,” said Marcus Green, Dietetic Intern.
The theme of the activity was “Get Your Plate in Shape” where interns demonstrated using plates filled with the proper food portions for an average meal.
Students were able to find out their weight and body mass index (BMI) after which they would fill out and keep the information on a health and wellness questionnaire.
Keisha Johnson, a political science major who participated in the activity said, “I’m glad I found out my body fat percentage because it makes me want to exercise more,”Keisha Johnson, a political science major and particpant said.
“Get Your Plate in Shape” is the key message of National Nutrition Month which is a nutrition education and information campaign recognized annually in March.
The campaign focuses attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits.
The campaign is sponsored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to promote nutrition awareness and education.
It originated in 1973 as “National Nutrition Week” and was expanded to a month-long observance in 1980 in response to growing public interest in nutrition.
“We are not the only ones doing these kind of activities, schools all around the state are promoting nutrition and good health this month,” said Green.
The program also promotes good health with Café Lacumba, a once a week restaurant serving meals between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. every Wednesday in Pinkie Thrift Hall room 151.
“The Café is run by dietetic interns and it sells nutritional foods like wraps, salads, fruits, fruit cups and soups,” said Ceciley Chretien, Dietetic Intern.
Nutrition focuses on healthy eating
March 13, 2012
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