If someone just randomly walked up and started urinating on your shoes and called it rain, what would you do?
Well I don’t know about you, but the average person would smack the (insert appropriate expletive) out of the random shoe-wetter in question, but not Southern students. We sit back idly as the faculty constantly gives us golden showers.
I don’t know about you, but I’m so tired of catching golden raindrops.
It’s not that I don’t love my school. I do. However, I get more than a little upset when my school is seemingly short-changing me.
I know for a fact that if I do not attend my classes, then I run the risk of failing my classes due to my poor attendance. If I do not study, then my grades will reflect that.
One thing that I learned in my college career is “if-then” consequences. In a way, this is a principle that our very society is run on.
I don’t understand why this does not apply to Southern University’s faculty. For example: If an instructor in the “underwater basket weaving” department does not attend the classes they were hired to teach, then …
Not a darn thing.
One of my instructors did not attend any of their classes at all last week, and let’s not forget that midterms were last week. Not to mention countless days before that since the semester began.
I understand if an instructor suffers from an illness. However, if it is a chronic illness that is preventing you from giving me what I paid for – an education – then maybe its time for you to hang it up.
It infuriates me that I am going into debt to purchase an education to better myself, to better my future and I am getting nothing in return. If I paid for a class, then I expect to learn. As of right now, I’m being robbed. I am giving the university something for nothing. I’m getting ski-mask-and-getaway-carred out of the education that I am paying for.
I expect this kind of treatment from my wireless provider, not my university.
Students, why aren’t you upset that your only getting half of what you’re paying for?
Why is okay that you spend at least four years in an institution but other than a degree don’t have anything to show for it?
Do you like signing those loan papers?
Do you like portraying the ignorant role?
This is what you’re showing the administration. Your actions show administrators that knowledge isn’t that important to you.
Faculty, what are you teaching us by neglecting your responsibilities?
That it is fine to just get by?
That it is okay to renege on a deal?
That you just want my money, and couldn’t care less about me?
This is the message that you are conveying to me, to your students and future alumni.
As a student I feel like some of the faculty don’t care about the students. Like we’re just stupid, lazy so-and-so’s who don’t really care if they’re educated, as long as they have that good ole degree.
Where are the “if-then” consequences for faculty?
If an instructor is constantly neglecting their students’ education, then what?
‘If-then’ does not apply to faculty
March 13, 2012