As the start of the Fall 2015 semester, Southern University is moving forward with deeming the official Dean of Education, Arts and Humanities, Dr. James A Taylor Sr. Prior to the position Taylor has more than 45 years experience in education. His university teaching positions, since 1984, include Graduate Faculty Adjunct appointments at Nicholls State University and Southeastern Louisiana University, undergraduate full-time teaching at Dillard University, full-time graduate teaching at Southern University at New Orleans. Taylor has also served as department head of Curriculum and Instruction at Southern University at Baton Rouge. In 2010, he assumed the position of Assistant Dean of the College of Education and added duties as Chairman of the Department of Educational Leadership in 2012. Taylor has completed fifteen years as a fulltime faculty in HBCU’s. He also serves as one of the six members of the Faculty Advisory Council to the Chancellor.
Taylor has future plans on how to better the college from its current standing with the university.
“If the new president says that were moving forward, we are going to be systematically making a change to create a brighter future for this college, our students and for our state,” said Taylor. “We are a state university and it is our job to serve the needs of the people of the state first.”
Taylor went on to state on ways to better improve the college. This begins with the restoration of lost programs such as the art and theater. Rebuilding the faculty is also a part of the goal. Due to the lost of staff within the past semester every department is short faculty members. The college plans to reinstate a minimal of seven faculty members with teaching methods that differ from current professors as part of a strategy to reorganize the department in order to make learning more effective and more efficient.
“I love my Southern students.” stated Taylor. “There is warmth and caring about the Southern students that I have not seen in my previous students. The up side to that, is that they will work with you if they believe in what you’re doing. The students at Southern are very friendly and that’s an asset you don’t find at all the other universities.”