Does anyone even know where Lacumba’s Playpen is? I’m pretty sure we’ve all seen it. Located in the union across from the restrooms near the bowling alley, this room is usually overlooked, especially if you’ve never intended to visit it.
Equipped with pool tables, televisions and vending machines, this room is a perfect hang out spot for students between classes. However, in the upcoming months, this room will be closed. The reason for the closing; unknown to the student body. Is it a part of a renovation, or some type of rebuilding process? If so, the student body needs to know! Personally, there are a few things that are a part of this room that others and I view as necessities. For instance, one of the only drink machines in the school that dispenses canned drinks for 75 cents is located in this room. Another interesting detail regarding Lacumba’s Playpen is the method of payment for one of the vending machines; it accepts both cash and card. With the line for the actual restaurants in the union being incredibly long majority of the time, grabbing a snack from the vending machine is a feasible decision to make. However, carrying cash isn’t something everyone does. Having the ability to swipe your card in order to make your purchase is incredibly useful, and only adds to the many benefits of this room.
Regardless of all the special amenities, this room is just a great place to hang out. The pool tables brought strangers together, and the places to sit and talk and take a break from the heat were welcome by all. Whatever the reasoning is for closing the room, I hope it was a decision made to benefit SU.