Shortly after the kickoff during the recent game versus Jackson State, a young man, clearly intoxicated, was seen vomiting on the stair case by the student section. He was then carried out of the stands and to the nearest ambulance to be treated.
Game days are like holidays and become huge social gatherings at SU. Tailgating before the game is almost always a must. While tailgating, people partake in many activities such as eating and socializing, however for some students, that may seem just too dull.
On game day, some students enjoy “turning up” to make the day more ‘memorable.’ What is turning up exactly? According to Urban Dictionary, to turn up is to get loose and act crazy due to over consumption of alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs. College students across the nation consume these items daily, but increase their consumption come game day. Here at Southern University, we are a drug and alcohol free campus. Therefore, should we really be ruining our minds and bodies just to have a good time for one day?
Students, faculty, alumni, and fans all gathered for the weekend, representing both universities. Fans tailgated to celebrate and socialize before kickoff . The stench of alcohol and marijuana was clearly present amongst the scent of barbeque fumes and food. However, some tailgaters consumed other drugs, such as PCP, to get a high and detached feeling, or Adderall to stay alert and energetic throughout the festivities.
The Southern University database released the 2015 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, as well as, a detailed informational email out to students and faculty, explaining the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, short and long term, the laws and regulations of Southern University and the state of Louisiana against possession, sale, or consumption of alcohol and drugs, and also the consequences if violating the set policies. It would be beneficial for every person who is a part of the Southern community to read and understand these two documents to become aware of the rules that allow this institution to flourish and remain a safe environment.
Football games bring so much fun, fellowship, laughter, and memorable moments to the university. What it should not bring is a trip to the hospital or reasons for the authorities to crack down on Southern and end all the fun. The Jaguar community must abide by the rules set in place. So before you pick up that next drink, smoke that next joint, or pop a pill just to have a good time at the game, think about how you are harming your body and how you are contributing to the negative image of this great institution name Southern University Agricultural and Mechanical College. Let us have good, wholesome fun. Go Jaguars!