The Southern University Homecoming Ecumenical Worship Service was held on Tuesday October 13, beginning at 10 a.m. in the Cotillion ballroom of the Smith Brown Memorial Student Union.
The event began with an inspirational song by the SU Gospel Choir, leading to Invocation done by Pastor of Beacon Light Baptist Church, Reverend Eric Williams.
“We have gathered in this place to give God glory, honor and praise for all that he has done for us in light of our institution,”said 85 Miss Southern, Jamya McGee, “Greetings with great pleasure and gratitude, we welcome each one of you to our homecoming Ecumenical services,” said Student Government Association President Dominique Diamond, as they both greeted the congregation.
After the greeting Guest Vocalist Chrystal Rucker, a gospel-recording artist, performed a spiritual selection.
“Let the church say amen, It brings me great pleasure to welcome you all and thank you for joining us,” said Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs & Enrollment Management, Dr. Brandon K. Dumas. “I consider it to be a high honor and distinct privilege to introduce our guest speaker, a spiritual leader who has brought several men and women and young people to know the love of Jesus Christ,” said Dumas ”Todays Keynote speaker is Bishop Joseph Walker III,” finished Dumas.
Guest speaker Bishop Joseph Walker III, Pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Nashville Tennessee received a bachelor Degree of Arts and honorary Doctorate from Southern University.
“Put your hands together, my God, my God, ”said Walker as he approached the podium. “It is good to be back home, on the yard, I am so grateful,” said Walker. “How many of y’all came for a blessing today?” I would like to take you all to Deuteronomy chapter 32 , beginning at verse 3,” Said Walker as he began his sermon. “Don’t Fight the process, tell your neighbor don’t fight the process. People do not like process, it is difficult for people, people rather take the elevator then stairs because it is a process,” said Walker. Encouraging students that God hears their prayers Walker says “God hears you, I know many of you are wondering why am I still in this place and I’m constantly praying, and God says I got you, I have you in this place because it is a process.”
Walker referred to the process of an eagle, and how the eagle prepares a nest, and feeds the eaglets, until a certain point, then she unweaves the nest, making them uncomfortable and preparing them to soar. “ Some of you look so crazy just trying to be comfortable, sometimes you have to become uncomfortable to soar,” said Walker finished his sermon with a note message of “Soar High like an eagle.”
“I really enjoyed the Worship service, Bishop Walker gave a great message and I choose to fly and sore like an eagle,”said Alisha Jarred, a Senior Nursing Major of Baton Rouge.
President-Chancellor Dr. Ray Belton made closing remarks followed by a prayer by Reverend Williams, and refreshments.
Guest Vocalist and gospel-recording artist Chrystal Rucker performs a spiritual selection during the 2015 Ecumenical Worship Service held on Tuesday, October 13.