Southern University Agricultural and Mechanical College has been a prestigious, historically, black university since the 1800s. This university has taken pride in itself since the dawn of its time and continues to grow and become exceptional, but really, what is a great university without an amazing homecoming? Homecoming is the time of year where we as students feel a little bit of relief especially right after the mid terms grades that were previously posted. The homecoming game itself, the events that occur on campus, and just the overall feeling in the atmosphere itself gives us the feeling of being at home. Southern resides as some student’s second residence, and homecoming is definitely the time to show it off. Well this homecoming season did not provide much of a homey feeling for the residing students on campus and or the students as a whole. Though the time spent enjoying, and partaking in all of the after school festivities provided lots of enjoyment, what happened to all the events that were suppose to occur? Yea you know the ones that were printed on the fabulous poster and flyers? This is of great concern because as the events were announced, the anticipation from each student on campus was increased just a little bit to show some support in their school. The bonfire at the pavilion, the Greek show, and the Vegas night that never happened, were all most likely memorable events that would have added to the enjoyment of the schools theme and celebration. Instead we were given the basic football game, Pretty Wednesday, and a pep rally that had no pep. Usually a pep rally has football players, dancing dolls, and more student involvement. Even though I enjoyed the speech many students felt that it didn’t quit fit the occasion. Not to mention the Homecoming T shirts. As students that pay non-refundable fees we pay for our Homecoming T-shirts, It is sad enough we didn’t get spring fest shirts in a timely matter, but the homecoming shirt too? Really? Yea I saw the one post on social media informing students of the shirt giveaway on Saturday morning, but the purpose of us getting shirts is to wear them to the game, to collectively show our school spirit, but what about those that don’t live on campus or had to fight traffic to get on campus? Enough of that, what about the Greeks? Being an HBCU Greeks are usually the most active on campus during homecoming rather its alumni, current students or even just prospects, but this year there wasn’t even a Greek show, which to my knowledge is a source of revenue. Being 101 years of celebrating the essence of Southern University, students, as a whole should feel empowered by the school. They should feel that Southern University is something that can be exhibited in the highest of excellence. On a personal note, being a freshman, me along with my classmates hear the stories of homecoming and how “Live” they will be, only to dream of one day being apart of those events as students, only to get here and be let down. Yea so the theme was Casino night what happens at SU stays at SU I’m cool with that, just give me something exclusive to want to keep at SU and not what everyone else already knows of.