Should those who once fought for us be proud of what they fought for?
For they fought for a front seat, but we still choose the back.
Fought for freedom, but what is that,
For we choose to vacation in jails, isolated in orange slacks.
Fought for the right to vote, but yet,
“We not votin’ this time”.
Fought to stop segregation but we still live in the past,
Just because their ancestors of treated our ancestors bad.
Forget stopping segregation, we want to stay mad.
We call each other, “nigger, nigga” (same thing)
But if it was a random white person,
Oh what a problem it would be.
It was a privilege to read and write, but we choose to drop out of school.
Yeah, you all have your own reasons, but to them school was a jewel.
See, we murder and kill those of the same face,
Crazy how we use to be, all we have now is hate.
We have fought through barriers of stress, swam through the seas of time
But no matter what they went through, they still managed to love bravery
Down each other’s spine.
So should they be proud of what they fought for?
Not from what I can see,
But its not too late to help them be proud,
If not of you, then of me.
Just like Jesus gave his life, we owe them everything.
What was done then gave us opportunities so great we forget to appreciate.
Should they be proud? I want them to be.
I want us to rejoice our history together instead of fighting.
Stand for what’s right instead of acting blind to the scene.
I want us as a people to make black the thing to be.