Courtesy/SU Media Relations
Chancellor Flandus McClinton and ambassador Channing Evans pose together next to one of the new Coca-Cola recycling bins.
The Coca-Cola company recently donated five new recycling bins to the Southern University Baton Rouge campus. Being apart of the Toyota Go Green initiative program, Southern University has taken the pledge to become a cleaner and healthier campus. To provide needed resources, current ambassador Channing Evans, Senior Nursing major of Slidell, contacted Coca-Cola along with other companies to donate recycle bins to Southern University. The recycle bins are located in common areas, such as the library, student union, the office of admissions, T.T Allain, and by Administrative building.
When asked why this initiative was important to the students at Southern Evans responded saying “We should have pride in our school, keep it clean.”
“This is our home away from home,” finished Evans.
“ I would like to thank Mr. Curtis from Coca-Cola, Eli G. Guillory III, Jael Gordon and Linda Crawford, for all of their support,” said Evans.
During the SU Spring Fest Evans plans to have a table set up in the student union. Evans invites students to stop by and commit to recycling, find out more ways to keep a clean campus, and how to become an ambassador for the campus initiative program.