I love my school and have a mutual respect for its founding. I love Southern University within the perils, ups, and downs that I continue to go through. Since I was a legacy from birth from my parents were both Southern Jaguars, it was a no brainer where I would go after graduation even though I had other thoughts and I don’t regret not coming here.
This university is associated with rich history and also I live on a beautiful arboreal campus and can glimpse the serene bluff on the Mississippi. This history has made students come from all over the world to step foot upon a campus to be blessed with 10,000 students strong. Now I know that seems like a frivolous number but our proud Southern University can thrive like this once again and our proud members that work in Student Affairs are trying hence the phrase since more than 3,200 applicants have signed to come here.
The real question is, what will happen when the students get here.
Now that we have the formalities out of the way, let’s begin telling the truth. I know every student that has graced this lovely campus has been through this tumultuous journey at our school in which would make them want to rip your hair out. This “runaround” will make people want to drop out early, if they haven’t already.
These students will come from all over the nation to try to achieve a piece of paper called a diploma which will link them to prosperous jobs all over the world.
The students will enter into the frustrating financial aid process in which fees has to be paid by a date that changes more than underwear, then sent from building to building to get a three second approval by someone with some competence. I think I’m in a higher echelon of learning and I’m still doing backflips for financial aid.
Then after this initiation of trial and error with a newfound patience, a certain percentage of students will live “on the yard” so then the new increase of students will be transferred to housing located at the back of campus and many will be told that they will have no where to stay. Shocker! New increase means more bedding and rooms to fit more individuals Hopefully for the ones that are able to find a bed to lay their head in can have a good night’s rest before class begins.
Then all hail, newly incoming freshman, the long lines of CTLE to enroll in your core classes. Some freshman who are lucky enough to have a concise schedule may come to class and lo and behold, no professor or the class was canceled. So not only was the student robbed by the truth but now they are robbed at a fair education and fairness.
Before we allow the many applicants, let’s take care of home, let’s take care of the loyal students that rep gold and blue. Let registration become smoother, financial aid be ironed out, customer service reboot, more love and care for the current students at our university, and less nepotism, pettiness, and politics.
These things and many more need to happen so I can be proud to say, Welcome to Southern University.