In Pinkie Thrift Hall room 108, Southern Digest got a chance to attend an event/general board meeting with a student-led group called Ag Business Student United. They got a chance to sit in on an informative conversation with SUSTA (Southern United States Trade Association) marketing and communications director Danielle Coco via Zoom. She talked about what Susta is for and who they help in the agricultural world. While also giving tips on how to as an entrepreneur on what needs to be done to make your product diverse and widespread. Once the Zoom was over the founder and president of Ag Business Students United for students Christian Jacobs a junior agriculture business major from right here in Baton Rouge started their general body meeting. Just from observing how the meeting was run everyone in attendance could see how much as Issa Rae would say, “ I’m rooting for everyone black” but not just black but in the field of agriculture business he truly is.
Christian has a plethora of scholarships and fellowships under his belt and by starting this organization he is trying to help spread the wealth to his fellow colleagues. When asked, “What was the reason for starting Ag Business Student United?” Christian said, “The thing that made me want to start this organization was volunteering for opportunities they had in the college like the animal science opportunities where I got to participate in goat research, and learned that for planting soil students, they had a lot of great opportunities but not so much for the Agricultural business majors on campus.” The main priority of this organization on campus is to make more opportunities for the students of agriculture business. Christian also said, “The purpose is to also provide an increase in work experience and education opportunities”. The organization also has a partnership with the Aramark food service here on campus. Aramark sells the food we have here on campus while also staff and managing our cafeterias and restaurants in the union. The partnership gives an opportunity to all students of agriculture the chance to shadow the managers of the restaurants we have on campus to get experience in accounting, product receives and procedures, inventory management, product marketing and so, much more. Ag Students United is trying to increase career opportunities like the event they had with SUSTA (Southern United States Trade Association). The next meeting will be in November and a representative from Auburn University will come in and speak to students. They plan to have events like this every semester with different companies to come and talk to students. On an ending note, on October 19, 2023, Ag Students United plans to host a scholarship info session in Pinkie Thrift Hall room 110 at 4 p.m. This is a chance for all Agricultural and other students to learn how to receive scholarship money. For more information contact [email protected] and follow their social media page @subr_absu on Instagram and @agbusiness83180 on Twitter for more information and future opportunities they have.