Loyalty before royalty, that’s the famous saying that most close friends use when they accomplish their long-term goals after much trial and tribulation. Building bonds over the years can be a wonderful experience, but it also shows true intentions along the way. Letting someone into your personal bubble is not an easy feat at all. It requires trust, honesty, dependability, and understanding of each person’s personal life and how it can affect the other person.
Nowadays, understanding true friendship is not only being taught wrong but also undervalued. Most times, we are taught to worry about ourselves and not allow ourselves to build closeness with another. There are not enough genuine friendships being created because everyone is into building connections for personal gain. Friendships are meant for uplifting and bringing the best out of each other. Yes, you don’t want to carry dead weight and if someone is not being beneficial towards achieving your goals then they should not be around. However, many would mistake that, and only befriend someone because they see an opportunity to better themselves by using the resources the other individual may have. At that point, your intentions are not good, and the relationship would never work.
Personally, I value my friends because each one has taught me something different that I attribute to life on a daily basis. Your friends should want you to see you succeed and you should not sense an envious vibe from anyone. The people you choose to hang around are what you eventually become, so if ever the feeling of switching your crowd comes along, conversations should be had on what direction the friendship is heading towards. The moral of the story is if you’re not going to be loyal, just stay away from people.
What About Your Friends: Loyalty & Friendship
February 28, 2023
What About Your Friends: Loyalty & Friendship
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