Unlike much of his family who attended Grambling State University, Jerry Jones decided to step out of the box and enrolled at Southern University. Jones attended Southern University from 2004 to 2010.
Jones stated, “I was sheltered as a kid, my grandmother has always done what she thought was protecting me. She was scared of Southern.” When he enrolled at Southern University his grandmother was unsure of his decision. She questioned his choice of becoming a Jag up until he graduated.
Jones changed the trajectory of the family because there was no other family member that enrolled at Grambling since he attended Southern. Jones shared his college experience throughout his years. Attending Southern University helped him gain his voice.
He did more following than leading, he learned who he was as a person and his role not only in society but determining who and what to become. Although Southern taught him many lessons, he was not prepared for timing.
During his time here at Southern, Jones was involved with student government. He ran many elections for student government and was very competitive. Jones found himself being experienced with student government, with his experience Jones majored in Political Science.
Jones stated his special memories consist of roommates who became his groomsmen, sneaking into Boley Hall with friends, and taking twenty dollars stretch for 2 weeks. One inspirational person Jones met at Southern was Coach Ballentine. Ballentine was very supportive of Jones and was always there during football season. His experience with meeting Coach Ballentine was one of a kind.
As of today, Jones is the director of economic development for the City of Richmond. He serves as a liaison between the three categories: citizens, government, and business, hoping to help small businesses grow and thrive in a community that sometimes fails to understand them. Along with helping the citizens and government understand the needs for small businesses that will help them grow.
To benefit the students at Southern, Jones suggests paying attention to the journey, thinking outside the box, and understanding who you are.