Zariyah Parker/DIGEST
SU Students participating in painting activity on the yard dudring Mental Health Day on February 27.
The senate meeting is the most informative time for students to come out and voice their concerns about what is happening on campus. It also allows members of the Senate to hear the concerns of students and inform students of any possible changes that may occur on campus.
The meeting started with asking student council members if there was any news that they needed to share with the student body. Most members reported having no new information except for the IT department asking students if the problem with the Wi-Fi was fixed and with Moodle because of current struggles with the app and the signal. The student body informed the chair of the IT department that the problem is still a struggle with Moodle and the Internet which was still running slow. The item department apologized for the struggle and responded that they were working on these problems.
The next person to address the student body was the music chair and they informed the student body and council members that the human jukebox had training for all high school students this past week and had more training coming soon. The next council member to address the student body was the NAACP chair informed students of the NAACP week that they were having.
Before the meeting was adjourned one of the Senate members brought up the fact that many students would be hungry during the spring break because no cafeteria was open during the break. The member was informed that the closing of the cafeterias was posted months in advance and that also it is not covered in our meal plans. Nala Anderson informed students that, “if there were concerns about the cafeterias being closed the protocol that should have been done was to send an email to the school to possibly fix everyone’s concerns” so that students would not have gone hungry during the break.
A student who was particularly disgruntled about the cafeterias, Miracle Pride, a freshman said, “I feel like the dining halls should have been open during spring break because a lot of the students that stay on campus during the spring don’t go home during the break”. Miracle also brought up the topic of the off-campus students who happen to have meal plans saying, “Some of the commuter students come on campus to get food but they are not allowed to do this because dining halls are closed, and if they may not have the funds to go restaurants that are offered off campus”.
Justin Will, a sophomore, said, “I feel that it is very unfortunate because a lot of students don’t acquire the funds. As a student, most of the funds are going to schooling and some of the money may be from loans just so we could come here and eat and you’re telling me that just because it is spring break what are we going to starve, it doesn’t make sense.” Plenty of other students had the same reaction when the news was brought up originally when it was posted on the dining halls’ social media page.
So the question is, what is the solution to having food for students when breaks like this happen for the years ahead and how should students go about letting their voices be heard? Right now the most effective way is for students to attend these senate meetings because they are the ones that will voice the concerns to higher administration on campus.