Courtesy: TMA
The Multiples Association here at Southern University was founded in 2018 by three sets of twins: Amin and Amiss Washington, Blair and Chelise Scott, and Jayla and Kayla Bloomfield. Blair Scott said, “Everything started after Chelise and I met the other two sets of twins at our freshman orientation. TMA was originally founded just to make more twin friends, but it grew into much more.” She continued, “We realized we had a lot of shared experiences and realized having a community like this was something we all didn’t know we really needed.”
The current president is a graduating senior and triplet Hanna Boyd who said, “The purpose of The Multiples Association of Southern University and A&M College shall be to provide a welcoming and supportive environment to multiples all while encouraging individuality and self-awareness.”
Being a multiple is something that seems really cool to the average person; however, we tend to neglect the struggles that come with sharing a birthday and, even, face as someone else. According to co-founder Chelise Scott, “As a twin, people don’t see our individuality. People tend to group us together and not acknowledge that we have separate ideas and personalities.” This association helps twins and triplets develop their individual personalities to differentiate themselves to the outside world.
Members of the association benefit from being in an environment where they are solely surrounded by multiples. They have the opportunity to share their joys and struggles of being a multiple with people who will actually understand. This not only helps them individually but also can strengthen their relationship with their multiple. Blair Scott said, “It has helped us grow closer seeing the other sets bond with each other. We have always been close but realizing we were all we had coming in made me realize that we were made for each other, and we had to dive deeper and grow our relationship more.”
TMA meets once a month to plan events and get to know one another. Chelise said, “While we are all multiples, we still grew up on different sides of the country. Meaning our life experiences and struggles are all going to be different in one way or another.”
President Hanna Boyd says, “we also plan events that are community service related and also events that are engaging with students on campus. Stay tuned!” Their most recent outreach event was this past weekend, they hosted a Walmart run with The Beta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity INC. This event was to help students without transportation get to the local Walmart, so they could get groceries, clothes, and any other items they needed.
The Multiples Association not only is working to help the multiples on campus, but they also are invested in bettering the entire school and surrounding community. The association that started off with 6 members continues to grow daily as it finds more multiples to bring into its inviting circle.