Queen Elizabeth II reigned over 32 sovereign states during her lifetime and 15 states by the time of her death. Her reign was the longest of any British monarch, the longest recorded female head of state in history, and the second-longest verified reign of any monarch in history. She was loved by many and cherished by most. Her death was very untimely and shocked the world to its core. The British citizens felt as if they lost a mother, while the Irish were cheering and had a moment of happiness due to historical events.
Some people don’t quite understand when others express their disdain for Queen Elizabeth II’s despotism. Imperialism, genocide, enslavement, colonialism, and white supremacy were all cruel acts committed by the Crown, the Royal Family, and members that serve the British colony. One example would be the Queen’s crown, filled and bedazzled with jewels, stolen from the Global South, India, and Africa, to be frank.
Kenya, which had been under British rule since 1895, was named an official colony in 1920 and remained a colony until it won independence in 1963. The acts of brutality under British rule occurred during the Mau Mau uprising, starting in 1952, and consisted of castration and sexual assault in detainment camps that held more than 150,000 Kenyans.
The Crown may have made some improvements to the British empire and had a long run in the monarchy, but the face of the country was also the face of ambiguity. The death of the Queen now creates questions and thoughts among the people she stole and hurt. Where are their reparations and apologies? Whose to now pick up the baton that she dropped and couldn’t be bothered to pick it up? Our lives shouldn’t be centered around a figure of white supremacy, but on the Indigenous and Black people who suffered the weight of her reign.