Living an adequate student life is established by finding an equal balance in all aspects of your life. Encompassing school, work, health, and your emotional well-being, learning how to achieve balance in all of your responsibilities will give you the capability to be happy and content.
On your path to having a balanced student life, learn how to make schedules and invest in a planner. “You can’t do fifty things and think you’re going to remember them all. But it is important to be involved socially so you’ll learn and grow … as well as taking time to stay physically fit instead of driving to class walk,” said Dr. ValaRay J. Irvin, the Executive Director and licensed psychologist at Southern University Counseling Center.
The Digest interviewed two active students at S.U. that juggle many roles and manage to live balanced lifestyles. Robyn Hughes is an extremely active student at S.U., holding titles such as, NAACP Vice President, Planned Parenthood Generation Action V.P., Association for Women’s Students Finance Director, and Chief of Staff for Jaguar Ambassadors to just name a few of the organizations she’s actively a part of.
“I find my balance in prioritizing where I am most needed! Balance was something that was very hard for me to find because with the expectations high, I know there is little to no room for failure. I’ve learned how to use all 24 hours in a day through effective planning. Also, I’ve had to learn how to lean on my village,” explained Hughes.
Balance is a priority that students must obtain to progress in college and daily life. Something that motivates Hughes is her drive to be better. “ Every day I strive to be better than I was before.” Hughes discloses. This is something that all students should strive for in surviving all the stresses of college life.
Jazmon DeRousselle is also an extremely active student on campus. DeRousselle is a junior mass communications major from Houston, Texas. DeRouselle is Head Host at OnthisBluff for “Let’s Rawr”, Lead University College Ambassador, Third Coast Member, a part of Geaux Team, Social Media Manager for SU-NABJ, Royal Court Media Team, on the Union Programming Board, and the Pre-Vet Club.
“My planner is my best friend literally! I write down everything I need to know, from dates to times to even planning out my day so I can stay on track,” said DeRousselle.
DeRousselle explained how she takes mental health days to re-center her focus on everything. Mental health is vital in learning how to have a balanced life. Never forget why you started, stay focused and stay strong. You got this,” shared DeRousselle.
Always keep in mind that you are a student first. Being a part of organizations and working can become a good deal of pressure. It’s important to prioritize your responsibilities and avoid outstretching yourself. There will always be a party or an event to attend so remember your studies are always your first priority. Balancing student life can be strenuous but it’s all a part of your development into adulthood.
Survival: Balancing Student Life
October 18, 2022
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