We all love our HBCUs. We support them unconditionally and represent them any chance we get. The love that we have for our HBCUs isn’t being shown or seen. With social media being the largest source of exposure, there isn’t much being shown for HBCUs.
So my question is, with social media having such a huge impact on the world right now, do you think the HBCUs around the country are getting the exposure they’ve been looking for and deserve? I feel as if HBCUs don’t get the recognition they deserve. You may see them on your Tiktoks or Instagram all the time, but you rarely see them on the big screens. The exposure they have is limited to only being on certain platforms. I know I see my beloved HBCU all over my For You Page and my timelines, but I never see them on tv unless it’s a big game against another HBCU.
I feel like these hard-working athletes deserve to be seen on more than just a phone, they need to be on the big screen just like everyone else. The popularity of HBCUs is only getting larger by the year, the publicity can’t be just limited to just a couple of apps. Let’s be real. The extra exposure will make our teams feel like they have that extra support from more than just their local area, they can feel the support from all over the country, even internationally. With the lack of exposure, our players and teams are being robbed of many opportunities. It’s unfair seeing mostly PWIs on tv while all this talent is on TikTok. The exposure is not there and this needs to be changed ASAP. These students work too hard not to get the recognition they deserve. Do you feel your school is getting the exposure they’ve been looking for?