Like fashion, people are ever evolving. Meaning our taste and perception of things often change. So how is this relevant to your personal style? There will be a time where you will hate everything in your closet and become stuck. The seasons have changed, new trends are blooming and you’re left with a feeling of not being in the “fashion know” as you look into your wardrobe. How exactly can you get out of your rut?
The best solution will always be to perform a closet cleanse where you’re examining your closet, trying things on to see what goes and what stays and being adamant and honest with yourself.
Next is to pick key trendy items to add to your wardrobe that you can add piece by piece or completely splurge on if money allows (remember your basic essentials).
Once you have these key pointers down to a science, each time you find yourself in a style rut it will always be easier to blossom into a trendy god or goddess for the upcoming season! Stay fashion forward. Xo