Financial Aid finds a new home in the new T.H. Harris annex building, in an effort to have all student services in close proximity.
This change of scenery has the head officials of financial aid feeling more comfortable and confident towards helping the students by putting them in a more structured and settled environment where they can easily complete their financial aid tasks.
The move of all the ‘student-service’ offices into a central location has some of the Southern administration satisfied with the usage of the new building.
“Financial aid is one of the most critical departments here at Southern,” said Brandon Dumas, Vice Chancellor for student affairs.
“The location and accessibility of the new building is very important,” Dumas said.
Ursula Shorty, director of financial aid thinks that the structures of the building will not only help assist the students, but it also will help the office be more efficient towards them as well.
The student community is taking notice towards the new move of the financial aid. Some are have said the new financial aid building is a great asset towards the Southern University campus experience as well as helping to beautify campus as well.
”The building helps make this side of campus look so much better,” said junior, finance major, James Higginbotham.
Senior, business management major Jonathan Irving said the building has a ‘centralized function.’
“It is not only aesthetically beautiful, but it allows the students a more centralized area to complete all financial aid process,” Irving said.
Some still believe that the problems of financial aid will still exists for all students.
Higginbotham sees the new location as having nothing to do with the problems that still may occur with the department, he made some suggestions of his own.
“Better technology, better workers, and people who actually care about the students behind the desk can possibly be very few of the problem solvers towards fixing some of the troubles towards financial aid,” Higginbotham said.
Some students don’t really know if the change of buildings is going to help but they hope that this can help uplift the campus.
While financial aid advisors and administrators are adjusting to the new environment, there are still some things that need to get moved into the new annex.
According to Shorty, they have moved at least 95 percent of the building to the new location.
Raymond Clarke, associate director of financial aid said, “There are still some stationary items such as supplies that need to get moved.”
The plans of what is going to be done with the old financial aid building remain unknown.
It was said that different departments are vying for use of the facility.
Some even have insisted on maybe sharing the building with different departments. According to majority of the administration, the decision of what is going to be done with financial aid’s former building, the final decision will be designated by SUBR Chancellor James Llorens.