Is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘Dream’ still alive, or has it turned into a terrifying nightmare?
Dr. King fought nonviolently to establish equality for all Americans.
He fought so that everyone would be given the chance to achieve his or her educational goals, and to provide themselves with the lifestyle they sought fit.
Since Dr. Kings ‘I Have a Dream’ speech students can attend any school they choose and achieve the education to be anything they’d like.
America has seen black pro-athletes, actors and actresses, judges, CEOs and a black president. The appearance of equality seems to be present.
Yes, blacks are able to achieve more but do we achieve more?
Has the later generations become complacent due to the implications of equality? Why achieve more?
The novelty of being first has worn off, who cares about being the second of third black anything?
What would Dr. King Jr. say to our generation if he were alive today?
What would he say to the rappers who degrade women?
How would he react to seeing young ladies dress?
Would he be proud or would we get a stern talking to?
I believe there was a time when Dr. King’s ‘dream’ was alive, when blacks unified and accomplished things much bigger than themselves.
There was a time when we put each other first instead of stepping on each other in order to get where we wanted.
Nowadays it seems like everyone is out for his or herself. We use to worry about getting beat up or killed by Anglo-Saxon, now we are killing each other over the most ridiculous things.
Black women use to have a since of modesty, now we’re just poster boards for sexuality. Shaking our posteriors every time we hear ‘that beat’.
Black women use to be the definition of stability, we use to be strong and hold down our households without a man by our side.
Now we copy and paste the drama from TV right into our lives.
Women these days need a man to complete them.
Men use to be men and actually raise the children they brought into this world and would marry a woman before he impregnated her.
Nowadays its all Maury styled DNA test, and jigging when he’s “NOT THE FATHER!” It’s almost a sad nightmare of what Dr. King Jr. hoped for us.
As we get ready for yet another black history month I pose a few questions to whoever reads this, what happened to us?
Why can’t we unify?
Why can’t we look out for one another?
Did we replace the unified mind frame that our grandparents and great grandparents were raised on with the ‘crabs in a bucket’ way of thinking?
Are you doing everything you can to make a better life than the one your parents provided for you?
Most importantly, Is Dr. King Jr.’s ‘Dream’ alive within you?
Is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘Dream’ still alive, or has it turned into his nightmare?
Are we living MLK’s legacy or nightmare
January 31, 2013