The Southern University Police Department has had an ongoing investigation of burglaries in T.T. Allain Hall, J.K. Haynes Hall, J.W. Fisher Hall and T.H. Harris Hall and has led to the booking of two custodian workers.
According to the police report, in one burglary, more than $2,000 worth of property was stolen in a single burglary.
Brandon Square and Julius Moore were both booked and charged with simple burglary and placed on a 30-day suspension with pay until further investigations are completed.
According to SU’s police reports, Square, 31, of 9445 El Scott Ave., was arrested Oct. 25. He was seen on camera in the Registrar’s Office of T.H. Harris Hall, where he was not assigned, making an unauthorized entrance. He was seen by an anonymous source walking through the lobby area checking for unlocked doors and switching lights off to remove two alarm sensors as he proceeded to steal three desktop computers from the office.
Square was placed in a photo lineup where he was positively identified as the person seen in the School of Nursing building where two laptop computers and a projector were taken and as the person seen in T.T. Allain Hall on surveillance footage, in room 301, where he entered and stood staring at the projector on the same date it was taken.
Ronald Stevens, Chief of SUPD, reported that the police department retrieved the majority of the items stolen from the buildings.
“When we went to the home of Square, we retrieved the majority of the items along with other items that were from non-related, off-campus, burglaries,” Stevens said.
The other defendant, Moore, 39 of 14348 Alsen Heights was also booked on the same counts as Square on Nov. 1 of this month. The burglary that Moore was involved in occurred on the dates of Feb. 3 through Feb. 6 of last year in Fisher Hall.
According to the police report, another anonymous source reported that when she left work on Friday, Feb. 3 2012 at approximately 4:30 PM, all the computers that were just shipped were still there and one of the laptops was placed on a desk for use.
The source reported that when she returned to work on the following Monday, Feb. 6, she noticed the computer she used was missing from her desk. After looking around, she also noticed another laptop was missing from a bag on the floor. She then noticed that there were three more computers missing and took note that there was no forced entries in the building.
On Oct. 28, Square who was arrested on a warrant for burglaries that he committed on SU’s campus was brought to State Police to be interviewed, where he confessed that he and Moore and two others were involved in the burglaries that took place in February.
Square also confessed that he and Moore did use an unauthorized key, where the burglary occurred taking two laptops and three desktop computers. Square told police that he retrieved two of the laptops and Moore retrieved the other three computers along with the other two accomplices.
Stevens said that from this incident, it will let faculty and staff know that they are being watched.
“It will let them know that we are watching them,” Stevens said.
Stevens said with the department’s new investigation team and appropriate tools, the team made the case more efficient.
“My team has all of the appropriate tools and resources to get the job done,” Stevens said.
Stevens also said that if anyone sees anything suspicious, to please call 225.771.2770 to report it.
On Campus Burglaries
November 7, 2013
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