Slavery is one of the most abhorrent times in the American history. It’s something that is a constant reminder, especially in the African-American community. The sad part about this is, a lot of people do not know a lot of the history of the slaves. Their lives, what they went through; mostly they know is that they were beaten and had to pick cotton from the cotton fields. A lot of African-Americans talk about their love for their people and their heritage, but a lot of them do not know much about their ancestors. The movie, “12 Years a Slave” can help fill those gaps.
This groundbreaking movie is based on the life of Solomon Northup, a free black man who was later kidnapped in Washington and was then sold into slavery in New Orleans. It is said, by CNN, that this movie is blend between the movies “Roots” and “Lincoln”. It shows the historical side of the emancipation and brings history to life, but it’s also a hard-hitting portrayal of slavery that people need to see. If people thought, “Django Unchained” was a controversial movie, they haven’t anything yet! CNN also says that it “It is the kind of film that many people will avoid, in part because of its depiction of everything from the surrealism of slave markets to whippings, rapes, hangings and the myriad ways in which slave owners terrorized and ruled over their property.”
A lot of the movies and television shows that reflect the pre-Civil War and Civil War era usually are too scared to touch basis with that of racism and slavery. They will sometimes just show a black woman serving as a maid in the plantation homes, or as one like a lady-in-waiting from the Medieval Times. However, they do not reflect the abuse and cruelty that some of those plantation owners and wealthy families treated their slaves. Will this movie change all of that?
“12 Years” will help bring in a lot of perspective of why things are the way that they are today, and how this country operates still, after centuries of the same abuse. With the incarceration rate being affected by poverty and racism and how the unemployment rate for blacks is double of that of whites. A lot of times, the United States of America uncomfortably talks about race, especially what happened in the past. This movie will have some people open their eyes to see that history is surely repeating itself.
Chiwetel Ejiofor (who played in “Four Brothers” and “American Gangster), Michael Fassbender (who played in “Inglourious Basterds” and “X-Men: First Class) and Brad Pitt are some of the high A-List actors who are starring in the role, and who leave unforgettable characters in the movie. The movie itself also excites people! Already critically praised when shown at the Toronto Film Festival this past year, as well as being the winner of the People’s Choice Award, it definitely has a lot of potential to win an Oscar this year. As well as being one of the best films of the year. But will it also change how some Americans view African-Americans?
Why You Should Go See “12 Years A Slave”
November 5, 2013
This image released by Fox Searchlight shows Chiwetel Ejiofor in a scene from “12 Years A Slave.” (AP Photo/Fox Searchlight, Jaap Buitendijk)
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