Has mediocrity gone from being a word to a lifestyle?
Remember that day when you got your first job and how excited you were because you felt confidant and wanted to do your best.
You have the feeling of having some type of responsibility and feeling like an adult.
Then as time goes on, you start coming to work later and leaving early, not even carrying about how well you performed that day.
You went from being the employee of the month, to the person who’s still there…
So I ask you is mediocrity a phase or a lifestyle?
How many times do you go to a place of business and look at an employee who looks like they majored in lazyology?
You know, like when your in the drive-thru of a Rite Aid and you’ve been in line for a good fifteen minutes and once you finally get to the window…you see this out of shape, un-groomed, uncoordinated individual who looks like they sleep as a side hustle…and you say how the heck they got or better yet keep this job?
I say that to say this…. We are living in serious times. Times where having a job today, is like having a pot of gold in the 1930’s.
I’m just saying, in a time when even streetwalking harlots are being laid off, can you really afford to suffer from the comfortability of mediocrity?
Now let’s be fair, in these harsh economic times, there are many of us who are just working to get a check and nothing else but even if you a garbage man, you could still to a good job at it.
It’s always good to make money but it’s a totally different reward when you know you got paid because you excelled at what you did.
There are a lot of people out there who get up everyday hating the job there about to go to and even more who hate the next job they have to get.
For those of us who are actually getting paid to do something we actually love, how can being mediocre even be an issue?
The only difference between a single mom working three jobs and a teenager working one, is that the mom get’s less sleep.
Just because the teenager has only one job, doesn’t mean he shouldn’t work as than the single mom.
America is said to be the land of opportunity…but that’s rather funny considering most of the people seizing this so called opportunity aren’t even from here.
How many people do you know who claim to be the best in the world at what they do, when the only thing they do is just enough?
If watching rocky 3 taught me anything, it’s that there’s always someone out there willing to take your spot who has far less skill with way more ambition.
You should be so lucky to be doing something you love and have the decency to master your skills to be the very best at it.
The perceptions people have of us are one thing…but our perceptions of ourselves, is something else.
You know who you are and what your capable of so, ask yourself “mediocre”. Is it just a word in my head or a way I’m living life?