Politics play a part in our daily lives if one likes it or not, participating voluntarily or by force. Most don’t know how politics pervades life in total.
To understand it, one must be objective, inquisitive, and above all else, understand the possible outcome of any policy, bylaw, or legislation coming from its policies.
Backroom, closed door, and private committee meetings are meant to keep some details from public disclosure.
One must observe any group or individual who wishes to polarize us more than we already are creates a dangerous atmosphere and it’s scary.
One can never be too aware.
In the days following December 14, 2012, there have been calls for tougher gun legislation.
The nation mourned twenty students and six adults who were shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut.
New York has moved to be the first in the nation to pass what has been called comprehensive gun control legislation.
“This will be the toughest gun control package in the nation,” said Sen. Jeffrey Klein, leader of the Independent Democrat Conference that shares majority control with Republican senators.
“All in all, it is a comprehensive, balanced approach that will save lives,” Klein said in an interview.
Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, has set out to overhaul and have the most restrictive gun control measures in the nation.
The governor confirmed the proposal previously worked out in closed session, called for a tougher assault weapons ban and restrictions on ammunition and the sale of guns, as well as a mandatory police registry of assault weapons, grandfathering in assault weapons already in private hands.
It also calls spells out how many bullets are to be held in ammunition magazines, the restriction is to be seven bullets, private sales to one other than immediate family would have to be subject to a background check through a dealer.
Internet sales of assault weapons are banned. Those who are mentally ill and make threats to a therapist to use a gun illegally, are to report it to the state department of criminal justice services and their gun can be taken from them.
Other provisions include owners being charged with misdemeanors for improper storage, having more than seven bullets in a magazine.
Those who have higher-capacity magazines will have one year to sell them out of state.
No matter how much gun control there may or may not be, it will never stop any individual or group of individuals from using their weapon(s) of choice to kill someone else.
In my opinion, many are using these measures to push legislation that has been previously defeated.
In some cases, it is nothing more than political opportunism.