Now that the Super Bowl ‘New Orleans – Blackout Edition’ is over, all that remains is leftovers and booze.
Right now you have nothing but last nights final score stuck in your head and possibly food stains stuck in you favorite jersey.
The game is over, and will probably be old news once the self-induced food comas and hurricane hangovers have disappeared.
One thing that will remain is the commercials.
We can relive them over and over and over again.
At least the commercials will have a lot more replay value than that half hour blackout during the game.
It is a fact that the Super Bowl advertisements have become almost as important as the game.
Before I ever had an interest in the sport I always loved the commercials and halftime show.
Over the recent years Youtube has only increased the popularity of Super Bowl commercials.
My favorite commercial is tied between the Budweiser’s Clydesdale commercial which was basically a farmer raised pony to a horse, it then grows up to be a Clydesdale, the farmer eventually sells the horse to Budweiser.
The farmer goes into the city to see the horse and readies himself to go, then horse spots his former owner then chases after him…
Super Bowl commercials aren’t supposed to make you teary eyed.
This commercial kind of tugged at my heart strings a little bit.
Call me sappy but if you felt nothing while watching this you’re a monster.
This commercial made me want to buy a horse and call my mother.
My other favorite commercial is the Tide Joe Montana commercial.
This commercial had an image of football player Joe Montanaface remarkably appearing in a salsa stain on a 49ers fan’s jersey.
In the ad the fan received all kinds of media attention, fame, and even made his home a tourist attraction. Some time later he enters his home and to his horror his famed stained jersey is gone.
He turns to ask his wife what happened to it and she responds while wearing a Baltimore Ravens jersey that she washed it with Tide.
I don’t condone domestic violence but I would have choked her.
I don’t care what kind of rivalry the teams had, that was free revenue coming into our house!
The slogan should have been ‘Tide – Washing away blessings since 2013!’ In all I liked this ad. It made me chuckle a little bit.
My least favorite ad was the GoDaddy advertisement.
I’m not going to recap what exactly happened in that ad because all I can remember is that disgusting kiss between Bar Refaeli and the super nerd on the side of her.
I think one of the reasons I can stand it is the fact that the producer had the audacity to get a extreme close up shot of that horrifying kiss!
If I had to describe this ad with just one word it would be “..gross.”
The game is over, all of the commercials have aired, now they belong to the ages, and possibly Youtube.